Preparing for Lent
If the Church instituted this time of penance and prayer, it did so because we all need times in our lives to help us reflect. What should we children of God reflect on if not the meaning of our existence, how we are living and that life is fragile and ends? All these thoughts help us to walk uprightly. The things that surround us distract us from what is essential, however, they are necessary since we are made of a body that demands a lot and a soul that is often left in second place. Well, Lent is that time when we should meditate more, approach the Sacraments, pray more and be more attentive to the voice of God. That is why the works that are carried out during this time are so important and good, because they remind us that God is all love and that we must love above all else and Lenten practices help to elevate the spirit, to give rise to the contemplation of the things of God.